origami wikipedia
Uncountable The Japanese art of paper folding countable A piece of art made by folding paper. Skočit na navigaci Skočit na vyhledávání.
折り紙 phát âm tiếng Nhật.

. Etimologic cuvântul origami de origine japoneză este format din oru care are sensul de a îndoi și kami cu sensul de hârtie deci hârtie îndoită. Az origami a papírhajtogatás japán megfelelője. Origami is a traditional Japanese art of paper folding.
Learn to make an origami balloon fold an origami heart assemble a senbazuru and much more. Origami chỉ được dùng từ 1880. Origami 折り紙 Origami oru betyder foldning og kami betyder papir er den antikke japanske papirfoldekunst men stammer oprindeligt fra KinaMålet med origami er med et enkelt oftest kvadratisk stykke papir at skabe en repræsentation af et objekt ved hjælp af geometrisk foldede former og mønstre helst uden brug af lim eller ved at skære i papiret.
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Origami 折り紙 Japanese pronunciationoɾiɡami or oɾiꜜɡami from ori meaning folding and kami meaning paper kami changes to gami due to rendaku is the art of paper folding which is often associated with Japanese culture. Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas. Sebuah hasil origami merupakan suatu hasil kerja.
From paper boxes to tiny paper dragons our step-by-step articles and video animations will help you fold creatures and decorations tiny enough to fit in the palm of. Pero ésti nun fueral so únicu sinificáu yá qua lo llargo los tiempos esti arte tevo camudamientos nel nome que lu defín. Konsten att vika papper kom till Japan från Kina omkring år 600.
Oru savijanje kami papir tradicionalna je japanska vještina kreiranja modela od papiraTradicinalno se koristi kvadrat ali postoji veliki broj modela koji se radi od drugačijih oblika papira - pravokutnika trokuta itd. Create art from the smallest scrap of paper with wikiHows Origami tutorials. Oɾiɡami hay oɾiꜜɡami là một loại nghệ thuật gấp giấy có xuất xứ từ Nhật Bản.
In modern usage the word origami is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices regardless of their culture of origin. Ukázka jak se skládá papírový jeřáb. It uses many techniques and various objects can be created.
DNA origami is the nanoscale folding of DNA to create arbitrary two- and three-dimensional shapes at the nanoscaleThe specificity of the interactions between complementary base pairs make DNA a useful construction material through design of its base sequences. Origami se dijeli na tradicionalni i modularni u kojem se više dijelova povezuje u cjelinu. Many dictionaries and television shows suggest that origami is only paper cranes waterbombs and paper planes but many new models and.
Origami nicht nur mit einem künstlerischen sondern auch mit einem pädagogischen Zugang zu betrachten hat sich seit Friedrich Fröbel der die Papierfaltkunst aus Japan in der Konzeption seiner Kindergarten übernahm erfolgreich etabliert. O Origami usa apenas um pequeno número de dobras diferentes que no entanto podem ser combinadas de diversas. Origami 1 do japonês.
The production notes are folded like the funny origamis that I made in grammar school only I used to write boys names inside each section uncountable The materials science technology that applies the art of origami to. Each individual sheet of paper is folded into a module or unit and then modules are assembled into an integrated flat shape or three-dimensional structure usually by. The goal is to.
Origamiais taip pat vadinami ir patys lankstiniai. Ori là gấp hay xếp và kami là giấy. Lorixe de la pallabra remanez de les voces xaponeses oru plegar y kami que designa al papel.
A kezdőtől a haladó szintig terjedő nehézségi skálán nagyon sokféle origamiformát lehet találni. Numele de origami a fost adoptat în anul 1880 până atunci arta plierii hârtiei fiind denumită orikataFormele care pot fi realizate prin această artă sunt legate de imaginația celui care pliază hârtia dar. Orixe de la pallabra.
Modular origami or unit origami is a paperfolding technique which uses two or more sheets of paper to create a larger and more complex structure than would be possible using single-piece origami techniques. Lorigami 折り紙 ye larte dorixe xaponés del plegáu de papel que tamién ye conocíu como papiroflexa o facer paxarines de papel. 折り紙 de ori dobrar e kami papel é a arte tradicional e secular japonesa de dobrar o papel criando representações de determinados seres ou objetos com as dobras geométricas de uma peça de papel sem cortá-la ou colá-la.
Papírový jeřáb - Orizuru. Z japonského oru skládat kami papír je japonské umění skládání rozličných motivů z papíru. Többnyire négyzet alakú papírból kiindulva de egyéb síkidomokból is készíthetünk állatokat tárgyakat díszeket geometriai formákat segédeszközök használatával vagy anélkül.
Origami tiếng Nhật. Under Edoperioden 1603-1867 ökade papperstillverkningen i Japan och papper blev mer lättillgängligt. 折り紙 origami je staré japonské umenie skladania papieraVýraz origami v japončine doslova znamená skladanie papiera a skladá sa zo slov 折る oru skladať a 紙 kami papier.
Bahan yang digunakan adalah kertas atau kain yang biasanya berbentuk persegi. Používa sa pre všetky druhy papierových skladačiek dokonca aj pre tie ktoré nie sú pôvodne japonské. The object is made of origami paper which is specially made for folding and staying in shape.
Origami från det japanska ordet oru vika och kami papper är konsten att vika papper till tredimensionella objekt. I samband med det blev origami en. Origami 折り紙 dari ori berarti lipat dan kami yang berarti kertas dalam bahasa Jepang merupakan sebuah seni lipat yang berasal dari Jepang.
Chữ origami trong tiếng Nhật bắt nguồn từ hai chữ. Pure origami yra lankstomas iš vieno popieriaus lapoJį lankstant nėra naudojamos žirklės ar klijaiPopieriaus lankstymas kai naudojamos ir žirklės vadinamas kirigami. Z Wikipedie otevřené encyklopedie.
DNA is a well-understood material that is suitable for creating scaffolds that hold other molecules in place or. Die Arbeit mit Kindern am Papier hat vor allem in therapeutischen Settings Kindergarten und Schule. 折紙 iš ori lankstyti kami popierius japoniškas meninis popieriaus lankstymo būdas.
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